Global Malnutrition Composite Score for IQR

The Global Malnutrition Composite Score quality measure is now available for 2024 hospital reporting.

The MQii is designed to help your organization improve
malnutrition care and subsequently achieve better outcomes.

Upcoming Learning Collaborative Training About GMCS Data Collection & Tracking

We will host a training for Learning Collaborative members about data collection and tracking related to the Global Malnutrition Composite Score (GMCS) tomorrow, 11/7, at 11 AM ET. After a brief history and background about the GMCS, two Learning Collaborative member hospital systems that are tracking data related to the GMCS and working toward internal […]

Update About Minor Issue with GMCS Measure Logic

The MQii leadership team has realized, through the most recent Annual Update cycle, that there is a small issue with the Global Malnutrition Composite Score (GMCS) logic that will need to be fixed. That was posted on the eCQI Resource Center website on 10/19, in the “Notes” column for the GMCS. The measure observation (MO) […]

Recruiting Clinical and Community Organizations for the CONNECT Study

We are pleased to share that the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Research Department has received funding from the Administration for Community Living (ACL) to test a new referral model to better connect inpatient to outpatient dietetic care and meal provision for older adults who have been diagnosed with malnutrition. To learn more about the […]

Presentation About the GMCS at FNCE 2023

FNCE 2023 will begin in less than two weeks! If you will attend this year, we encourage you to come to the first session on Saturday afternoon, “Transforming Healthcare Delivery: Leveraging the Global Malnutrition Composite Score for Quality Improvement, Health Equity, and Patient Outcomes,” to learn the latest information about the GMCS and recommended tactics […]

Malnutrition Awareness Week 2023 Begins on 9/18

Malnutrition Awareness Week (MAW) will begin next Monday, September 18. MAW is ASPEN’s annual campaign to educate healthcare professionals and consumers on the detection, intervention, and treatment of malnutrition. Webinars will take place throughout the week and we encourage you to look through the related resources to learn and raise awareness in your own practice […]

New Article About Implementation of the GMCS

We are pleased to share that a manuscript based on the October 2022 ASPEN webinar about the Global Malnutrition Composite Score (GMCS), titled “Interprofessional Implementation of the Global Malnutrition Composite Score Quality Measure,” was recently published in Nutrition in Clinical Practice. Two members of the MQii leadership team as well as a physician who contributed […]

Updated GMCS Specification Manual

The MQii leadership team has published a new version of the GMCS specification manual. It is updated to include all changes made during the 2022–2023 eCQM Annual Update Cycle, which were released in May. This version of the manual also now has a more detailed episode calculation and rate aggregation explanation as well as full […]

Proposed Inclusion of Food Insecurity and Nutrition Risk Improvement Activity in 7 MVPs

We are pleased to share that the MQii-developed Improvement Activity (IA), “Implement Food Insecurity and Nutrition Risk Identification and Treatment Protocols,” has been proposed for inclusion in 7 MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs) in the recently released CY 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule. Their inclusion highlights the importance of proper nutrition and access to […]

New Article About GMCS in Today’s Dietitian

A new article about the GMCS—including an overview of the variables it measures, its importance and value for hospitals and patients, and recommendations for improving care for malnourished patients at each point in the care process—has been published in Today’s Dietitian. Author Jennifer Doley has been featured in past MQii webinars and articles in JAND. […]

New Systematic Review on Malnutrition In Older Adults in Evidence Analysis Library

The Academy recently published findings from its systematic review on interventions for malnutrition in older adults. This subtopic addressed oral nutrition supplements, food fortification, and RDN interventions. It was part of the Malnutrition in Older Adults Project and succeeded the review on assessment tools. Among other experts involved in this project, Learning Collaborative members from […]

FNCE 2022 Presentation Recording Available

We are pleased to share that the recording of our 2022 FNCE presentation, “Advancing Malnutrition Quality Improvement And Health Equity: Opportunities To Lead Change,” is now available. This presentation included information about the role of malnutrition and quality care in health policy strategies, how the Global Malnutrition Composite Score measure can help RDN leaders to […]

Opportunity for Expert Contribution to Evidence Analysis Center Malnutrition Review

The Academy’s Evidence Analysis Center is seeking content experts for an evidence-based scoping review to evaluate and examine the extent, range, and nature of research for effectiveness of RDN interventions on protein-energy malnutrition or undernutrition and to identify gaps in existing literature to inform nutrition practice. You can find more information on the ANDEAL website […]

Updated GMCS Specifications May 2023

Based on our work to refine the Global Malnutrition Composite Score over the past year, the latest measure specifications have now been published on the eCQI Resource Center website. Note several changes pertinent to nutrition practice have been made; for example, a referral to a hospital dietitian can meet the criteria for component #2 and […]

Late-Breaking FNCE Submissions Now Accepted

The call for late-breaking FNCE poster abstract submissions is now open until May 30. These submissions should reflect ground-breaking research that was not available at the time of the original abstract deadline. We encourage you to consider submitting findings from your malnutrition quality improvement projects to share your learnings and successes.

Recent News Story About Drastic Increase in Deaths Attributable to Malnutrition

A recent article in US News, titled, “U.S. Malnutrition Deaths Have More Than Doubled,” highlighted that deaths attributed to malnutrition in California (based on data from the California Department of Public Health) and this trend is parallel to what has occurred in the nation more broadly from 2018 to 2022. This article also shows which […]

Recent DNS DPG Podcast About GMCS

The Dietitians in Nutrition Support Dietetic Practice Group recently released a podcast about the Global Malnutrition Composite Score (GMCS). It features Learning Collaborative member Maureen Janowski and former MQii Advisory Committee member Wendy Phillips. We encourage you to listen to this additional resource about the GMCS and share it with your colleagues–both within as well […]

Malnutrition QI and Rural Health

We hope you all have had a wonderful National Nutrition Month! As we enter the final week, we’re pleased to share the publication of a recent article in OBM Geriatrics and a corresponding ASA Generations blog featuring members of the MQii leadership team and Learning Collaborative member McPherson Hospital. These articles focus on the importance […]

FNCE 2022 Videos Published

We are pleased to share that the three videos focused on the MQii and the Global Malnutrition Composite Score that were played during FNCE 2022 have now been published. These videos feature Learning Collaborative members New Hanover Regional Medical Center and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center as well as other MQii collaborators. You can view […]

February Quarterly Spotlight on Malnutrition on 2/22

The Academy will host its February Quarterly Spotlight on Malnutrition on strategies and recommendations for gaining stakeholder buy-in for hospitals to implement the Global Malnutrition Composite Score (GMCS). Information about how to engage administrators and stakeholders and elements of the measure hospitals will need to collect and report will be discussed. Guest speakers from the […]

FNCE Abstract Submission Deadline 2/16

Abstracts for the Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (FNCE) can be submitted through 2/16. We encourage those of you collecting data on your malnutrition interventions and other variables related to the malnutrition quality measures to submit an abstract to present a poster at FNCE this October. Visit this website to read guidelines and submit […]

The Malnutrition Quality Improvement Initiative

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