Global Malnutrition Composite Score for IQR

The Global Malnutrition Composite Score quality measure is now available for 2024 hospital reporting.

The MQii is designed to help your organization improve
malnutrition care and subsequently achieve better outcomes.


Presentation About the GMCS at FNCE 2023

Presentation About the GMCS at FNCE 2023

September 25, 2023


FNCE 2023 will begin in less than two weeks! If you will attend this year, we encourage you to come to the first session on Saturday afternoon, “Transforming Healthcare Delivery: Leveraging the Global Malnutrition Composite Score for Quality Improvement, Health Equity, and Patient Outcomes,” to learn the latest information about the GMCS and recommended tactics to prepare your hospital to report on it to CMS beginning next year. The two other sessions focused on malnutrition include “Leading Change in Malnutrition: Improving RDN Value by Leveraging Data Analytics in Long Term Care” and “Target Malnutrition: The Financial Impact and Demonstrated Value of RDNs” on 10/10. Also, long-time Learning Collaborative member Angela Lago will present on “Achieving Sustainable RDN Satisfaction While Incentivizing RDN Deliverables,” including her leadership history with the MQii, on 10/8. Finally, please let us know if you will be at the conference this year—we would love to meet (or reconnect with) you in person.

Please note that external links may become inactive over time, and will be removed.

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