Global Malnutrition Composite Score for IQR

The Global Malnutrition Composite Score quality measure is now available for 2024 hospital reporting.


American Society for Nutrition 2022 Virtual Conference Opportunities

American Society for Nutrition 2022 Virtual Conference Opportunities

November 29, 2021


ASN recently announced that it will host NUTRITION 2022 virtually in June 2022, with learning and networking events occurring throughout the year. Events will include a “Clinical and Translational Nutrition” track that may be relevant to your work and there is an “Aging and Chronic Disease Research Interest Section” that you may be interested in joining. The call for session topics is now open—we encourage you to submit topics by the 12/15 deadline.

Please note that external links may become inactive over time, and will be removed.

The Malnutrition Quality Improvement Initiative

MQii Learning Collaborative

Members Area