Global Malnutrition Composite Score for IQR

The Global Malnutrition Composite Score quality measure is now available for 2024 hospital reporting.

The MQii is designed to help your organization improve
malnutrition care and subsequently achieve better outcomes.


Academy and ASPEN Indicators to Diagnose Malnutrition and Dietitian Staffing Study

The Academy and ASPEN Indicators to Diagnose Malnutrition Study is a landmark research project taking place in approximately 120 pediatric and adult hospital sites in the U.S. The study aims to test the validity of the Academy and ASPEN indicators to diagnose malnutrition and to develop an RDN staffing model that optimizes nutrition care of hospitalized patients. Together, these study products will benefit patients of all ages in acute care settings by improving quality of care and health outcomes. Study results will be disseminated to the nutrition community via webinars, DPG newsletters, social media, FNCE® and other conferences and peer-reviewed publications. This event will be hosted by the CNM DPG.

September 23, 2021
The Malnutrition Quality Improvement Initiative

MQii Learning Collaborative

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