Global Malnutrition Composite Score for IQR

The Global Malnutrition Composite Score quality measure is now available for 2024 hospital reporting.

The MQii is designed to help your organization improve
malnutrition care and subsequently achieve better outcomes.

MQii Toolkit / Plan for Data Collection

Section Takeaways

Consider Opportunities to Track Improvement

Determine a Data Capture Mechanism

Review the Suggested MQii eCQMs and Quality Indicators

Suggested MQii eCQMs and Quality Indicators

Recommended eCQMs

Completion of a Malnutrition Screening within 24 hours of Admission.

Other Potential MQii Quality Indicators

  1. Percentage of patients age 65+ years admitted to hospital who received a malnutrition screening with a validated screening tool
  2. Percentage of patients age 65+ years admitted to hospital who received a malnutrition screening
  3. Percentage of patients age 65+ years identified as “at risk” through a malnutrition screening who had a malnutrition-risk diet order
  4. Length of time between hospital admission and completion of malnutrition screening
  5. Length of time between identification of a patient age 65+ years as “at risk” based on a malnutrition screening and implementation of a malnutrition-risk diet order, but before a nutrition assessment with a standardized tool
  6. Length of time between admission and implementation of a malnutrition-risk diet order in patients age 65+ years identified as “at risk” based on a malnutrition screening, but before a nutrition assessment with a standardized tool

Recommended eCQMs

Completion of a Nutrition Assessment for Patients Identified as At-Risk for Malnutrition within 24 hours of a Malnutrition Screening.

Other Potential MQii Quality Indicators

  1. Percentage of patients age 65+ years identified as “at risk” for malnutrition based on a malnutrition screening who also had a completed nutrition assessment with a standardized tool
  2. Length of time between patients age 65+ years identified as “at risk” for malnutrition based on a malnutrition screening and completion of a nutrition assessment using a standardized tool
  3. Length of time between admission and completion of a nutrition assessment with a standardized tool for patients age 65+ years identified as “at risk” for malnutrition based on a

Recommended eCQMs

Appropriate Documentation of a Malnutrition Diagnosis.

Other Potential MQii Quality Indicators

  1. Percentage of patients age 65+ years identified as malnourished with a nutrition assessment using a standardized tool who have a documented dietitian-based malnutrition diagnosis
  2. Percentage of patients age 65+ who have a documented provider medical diagnosis of malnutrition
  3. Percentage of patients age 65+ years identified as malnourished with a nutrition assessment using a standardized tool who have a documented dietician-based malnutrition diagnosis and a provider medical diagnosis of malnutrition

Recommended eCQMs

Nutrition Care Plan for Patients Identified as Malnourished after a Completed Nutrition Assessment.

Other Potential MQii Quality Indicators

  1. Percentage of patients age 65+ years with a completed nutrition assessment and a documented malnutrition diagnosis who have a documented malnutrition care plan

Other Potential MQii Quality Indicators

  1. Percentage of patients age 65+ years with a documented malnutrition diagnosis who had a nutrition intervention implemented
  2. Length of time between documented malnutrition diagnosis and implementation of a nutrition intervention for patients age 65+ years diagnosed as malnourished
  3. Length of time between admission and implementation of a nutrition intervention for patients age 65+ years diagnosed as malnourished

Other Potential MQii Quality Indicators

  1. Percentage of patients age 65+ years with a malnutrition diagnosis as a result of a nutrition assessment with a standardized tool who have a malnutrition care plan included as part of their post-discharge care plan

Suggested Patient-Centered Quality Indicators

Suggested Outcome Quality Indicators

The Malnutrition Quality Improvement Initiative

MQii Learning Collaborative

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